ジャンル |
コース名 |
コース名(日本語) |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology |
IT学 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Information System Security |
セキュリティ学 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Cloud Engineering |
クラウドエンジニアリング |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Internet of Things (IoT) |
IOT学 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Digital Transformation |
デジタルトランスフォーメーション |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Financial Technology (FinTech) |
ファイナンシャルテクノロジー |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Business Information Systems |
ビジネスインフォメーションシステム |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information Technology with a specialism in Sustainable Computing |
持続的コンピューティング |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Software Engineering |
ソフトウェアエンジニアリング |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science |
コンピュータ科学 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science with a specialism in Data Analytics |
データ解析学 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science with a specialism in Digital Forensics |
デジタル鑑識 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science (Cyber Security) |
サイバーセキュリティ |
IT |
Bachelor of Computer Science (Hons) (Artificial Intelligence) |
AI学 |
IT |
Bachelor in Interactive Media and Immersive Technology (Honours) |
マルチメディア学 |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Multimedia Technology with a specialism in VR/AR |
IT |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Games Development |
ゲーム開発 |
デザイン |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Industrial Design |
産業デザイン |
デザイン |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Visual Effects |
ヴィジュアルエフェクト |
デザイン |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Animation |
アニメーション |
デザイン |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Digital Advertising |
デジタル広告学 |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management |
経営学 |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management with a specialism in E-Business |
Eビジネス経営学 |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management with a specialism in Digital Leadership |
デジタルリーダーシップ |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management with a specialism in Business Analytics |
ビジネス解析学 |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Resource Management |
人事マネジメント |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Business Management |
国際ビジネス学 |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Marketing Management |
マーケティング学 |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Marketing Management with a specialism in Digital Marketing |
デジタルマーケティング |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Tourism Management |
ツーリズム |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Tourism Management with a specialism in Hospitality |
ホスピタリティ |
ビジネス |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Hospitality and Tourism |
ホスピタリティ&ツーリズム |
会計 |
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Honours) |
会計学 |
会計 |
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Honours) with a specialism in Forensic Accounting |
会計鑑識 |
会計 |
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Honours) with a specialism in Forex and Investments |
為替と投資 |
会計 |
Bachelor of Accounting and Finance (Honours) with a specialism in Accounting Technology |
会計技術 |
会計 |
Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Hons) |
銀行学&資産学 |
会計 |
Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Hons) with a specialism in Investment Analytics |
投資分析学 |
会計 |
Bachelor in Banking and Finance (Hons) with a specialism in Financial Technology |
ファイナンシャルテクノロジー |
会計 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies |
保険学 |
会計 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies with a specialism in Data Analytics |
保険 データ解析 |
会計 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Studies with a specialism in Financial Technology |
保険 資産技術 |
工学 |
Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Honours |
電子工学 |
工学 |
Bachelor of Mechatronic Engineering with Honours |
メカトロニクス |
工学 |
Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours |
機械工学 |
工学 |
Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering with Honours |
石油化学工学 |
一般教養 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media and Communication Studies |
メディアコミュニケーション学 |
一般教養 |
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations |
国際関係学 |
一般教養 |
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology |
心理学 |